The first Space association of Politecnico di Milano

Polispace principles

PoliSpace is the first space association of Politecnico di Milano.

Its main objective is to fill the gap between industry and academia in Italy. The strategy adopted is: propose, endorse and supervise students space-related projects spread the aerospace culture with a global perspective provide students with internship and job opportunities through a network of companies.

PoliSpace is currently designing CubeSat to fly at the end of 2023. Another association’s undergrad team presented a Mars Sample Return mission for an AIAA competition. More projects will be developed in the near future.


Polispace numbers

Executive Members
Active Projects
Projects Members
General Members

polispace projects

6S CubeSat Project

Designing a CubeSat has always been one of the main focus of the association. After creating a team of BSc PoliMi students, the project of the PoliSpace CubeSat started getting shape.

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RoverTech Team

[R]overTech is a newborn project with the aim of participating at the ERC (European Rover Challenge) , a competition gathering team of students from all over the world with the passions for space and robotics

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SpaceTech is the technical department of PoliSpace. It proposes, develops and manages engineering projects in the association

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Latest articles

Polispace news

A grounded look into the skies: The Ground Station Project

(…) How can we predict the weather? A key part of this, and several other technologies, are ground stations! Surely it can’t be easy to design, manufacture and implement one of these, right? Well, whilst it is indeed not trivial, it is also not something that’s out of our reach! Here at PoliSpace, members of the SpaceTech group have been working on what has been labeled The Ground Station Project.

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Space blog

Spark of Innovation: A Brief History of Electric Propulsion

When we think of rocketry, we commonly think of the impressive images and videos of spacecrafts being launched utilizing huge earth-shaking rockets, propelled through the skies by a scorching trail of exhaust and flames. These are our traditional thermochemical rocket thrusters, and since the advent of rocketry, they have been our most reliable way to get things out of our planet.

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