Become a member

Are you a student from Politecnico di Milano with a passion for space? Bring in your ability, enthusiasm, and desire to achieve high-tech progress in the innovative and competitive space arena. 


Get exclusive access to contents, insights and propose your own ideas!


After the subscription you will receive an email with your customized certificate of membership and a copy of the association Statuto.

Members Community

Join an international group of space enthusiasts through our dedicated channels.


Becoming a member of PoliSpace means contributing to the life and the development of the association!

Project Proposal

In PoliSpace, you can submit your project proposals and receive advice from our panel of experts!

Dedicated Offers

In the personal area we advertise special events and opportunities reserved just for the association members.


As a registered member, you will be offered exclusives discounts and advantages for the events organised by Polispace.


The association's fee is set at 15 €, billed yearly.


No, the executives members are selected through dedicated calls.
If you’re interested in Executives positions you can find more info here

The subscription will last one year. Once it expires you will get a reminder to renew it.

Just register as a member of PoliSpace. After this, you will be allowed to submit your project through a form you will find in the “Propose a project” section