Paolo Bellutta, born and raised in Italy has operated the rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity for 15 years.
He has worked on many different projects at JPL since 1999 developing machine vision algorithms for robotic vehicles for use on Mars and Earth.
He previously developed vision algorithms for different applications.
Webinar Details:
Have you ever wondered how it is possible to send and operate robotic vehicles on another planet that it is so far that just communicating between Earth and your spacecraft can take more than half an hour?
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA sole purpose is to develop, design, build and operate robotic spacecrafts to explore our Solar System.
This interactive talk will cover some of the challenges that arise from exploring our planetary neighbor, Mars using rovers, landers and orbiters.
How do engineers and scientists cooperate and respond to challenges and anomalies?
The webinar will be held online Sunday 7th November at 5:00pm
How to watch:
To attend the event register below