We are inviting you all to a new activity with prizes for the winners!!! 🏆
It is a sports game team competition. All the games will be played outside and only one team will win the special prize. ⚽
All the games will be based on space games so be prepared to walk on the moon surface or to play galactic laser war! 🚀
We are asking for a 5€ per capita admission cost to cover the arena, the materials and the prizes.
You can either register your own team (5-6-7 people teams) or register by your own (we will randomly select you to make teams with other participants)
Event Details:
💸 5€ per capita
Deadline and Payment:
In order to pay for the ticket you have the following options (you can pay directly for all the team):
- With PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/polispacehandover/5.54EUR
- With bank account: IBAN IT44E0623009512000063721094
The transfer needs to be labeled: Name-Surname-StudentNumber
After the PAYMENT an EMAIL with a PROOF OF PAYMENT (screenshot or pdf of the payment screen) has to be sent to all_activities@test.polispace.it in order to validate the ticket.
Remember to specify Name_Surname_StudentNumber in the mail subject. (no refund will be accepted after the deadline)